Create Instagram Masks: Spark AR Essentials

Learn the official software from Facebook for Additional Reality Effects

Beginner 5(4 Рейтинги) 4 Студенты зачислены
Создан Tired of standard lessons and tutorials? lessons and tutorials? Последнее обновление Wed, 07-Apr-2021 English
Что я буду изучать?
  • How to create Instagram or Facebook Masks
  • Creating Additional Reality Effects
  • Spark AR - Facebook's official AR studio
  • Applying cool effects to your face
  • Creating Face Altering Masks

Учебный план для этого курса
10 Уроки 00:52:01 Часов
3 Уроки 00:05:39 Часов
  • What will you learn and create? 00:02:48
  • Download Class Materials 00:00:05
  • Introduction to Spark AR 00:02:46
  • Learning to track our Face 00:07:31
  • Adding our design on the face 00:08:44
  • Creating colorful lights on the face 00:06:11
  • Making our skin smooth 00:05:44
  • Changing designs on screen tap 00:07:34
  • Testing our mask on our phone camera 00:02:54
  • Uploading the mask to Instagram/Facebook 00:07:44
  • Basic Computer Knowledge
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Have you recently seen new tons of new cool masks on Instagram?

Most of them are created just by regular creators like you and me. And the good news are that it is pretty easy to create a mask. During this class you will have your own mask just in 15 minutes from the start.

In this class you will learn Spark AR - an official software from Facebook that allows you to create additional reality effects.

Our project is separated into 4 parts:

  1. We will create a basic mask

  2. We will add colorful lights to make it more interesting

  3. We will add interactivity by changing the textures on screen tap

  4. We will smooth out everything to make your skin look really nice

What else can you do with Spark AR?

This is a new powerful tool from Facebook that allows you to create additional reality experiences.

It can be used to create:

  1. Masks

  2. Apps connecting with real world

  3. Virtual games in real world

  4. Filters and more

Для кого этот курс:

  • Anyone wanting to learn Additional Reality
  • People interested in creating Instagram Masks
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  • 6 Студенты
  • 7 Курсы
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  • Sun, 10-May-2020
    Татьяна Бабенко
    Автору спасибо. за хороший курс .
  • Sun, 10-May-2020
    Александр Любимов
  • Sun, 10-May-2020
    Артур Мамедов
    Спасибо за такой полезный и насыщенный курс
  • Sun, 10-May-2020
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    Курс полон новых открытий.
Включает в себя:
  • 00:52:01 Часов видео
  • 10 Уроки
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