How to become an Android Rock Star

Get the solid fundamental for further growth as Android developer!

Beginner 5(4 Рейтинги) 4 Студенты зачислены
Создан YouRa Allakhverdov Последнее обновление Wed, 07-Apr-2021 English
Что я буду изучать?
  • You will learn how to create applications in Android Studio
  • You will learn about TextView and ImageView
  • You will create your first Android application and run it on the phone
  • You will learn how to develop XML markup and UI for android applications
  • You will learn different ViewGroups
  • You will get the solid fundamental for further growth as Android developer

Учебный план для этого курса
22 Уроки 02:11:17 Часов
1 Уроки 00:04:35 Часов
  • Let's get acquainted! 00:04:35
  • Android Studio intro 00:01:25
  • Android Studio installation. Windows 00:06:04
  • Android Studio installation. Mac 00:04:36
  • Run app on the emulator 00:04:34
  • Run app on the phone 00:03:28
  • Android Studio review 00:13:32
  • Power of text and images managing 00:01:15
  • TextView 00:19:13
  • XML introduction 00:09:01
  • ImageView 00:06:53
  • Documentation 00:05:10
  • Let's order views! 00:01:16
  • ViewGroup types 00:04:06
  • LinearLayout 00:09:33
  • LinearLayout Task. Decision 00:04:34
  • RelativeLayout 00:10:45
  • RelativeLayout Task. Decision 00:05:12
  • Do you want to become an android rock star? 00:01:12
  • Create Poster App 00:13:47
  • Create a poster application. Project files 00:00:34
  • Bonus lecture. How to become an Android Rock Star? 00:00:32
  • Availability of desire, computer and internet
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We will learn the basics of the user interface in Android development. You will create your first Android application and lay the first stone in the foundation of your career as a professional Android developer. Then you can continue training and can learn how to create any Android application, place your application on Google Play and earn money on it, become a professional Android developer or just create applications as a hobby, start your career on any freelance platform and work from anywhere in the world , change your profession to one of the most popular in the modern world - you are in the right place at the right time!

Для кого этот курс:
  • This course is suitable for everyone - both for those who want to become a professional in the development of Android applications, and for those who just want to do this as a hobby and make money on it - no programming experience is required
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Другие связанные курсы
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  • 13 Студенты
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  • Sun, 10-May-2020
    Татьяна Бабенко
    Всё просто и понятно, хороший курс,спасибо автору.
  • Sun, 10-May-2020
    Александр Любимов
    Выражаю огромную благодарность за интереснейший курс
  • Sun, 10-May-2020
    Артур Мамедов
    Курс отличнейший!
  • Sun, 10-May-2020
    Валерий Демьянов
    Большое спасибо! Курс просто класс!!!!
Включает в себя:
  • 02:11:17 Часов видео
  • 22 Уроки
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